today i went for a hip hop dance workshop. i am an ameteur there and everyone gave that look as if i wasnt good enough. Actually i wasnt good enough. who am i kiding im 15 and the others are at least in their 20's.
But the instructor was at least nice to me. i got to dance with him in front. I was like WHAT THE HELL! Do i look like i can dance to you. he then teached me slowly and i got to do it somehow. i wouldnt want to fail on such a stage. it would have been embarrassing.
Then it was time to dance with partners. i got this 20 something girl to dance with. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO CONCENTRATE. well she was nice to me too and teached me slowly. at the end of the session the instructor had no time for my pair so we al went home safe and in one piece i guess.